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TEAM celebrates success with Diversity Agenda initiative


Last updated:


17 Feb 2022

The Diversity Agenda launched in 2018 with the goal of improving the dire number of women working in engineering and architecture, a survey of its members showed that females filled just 20 percent of qualified roles in these professions. The good work that has been done to date was acknowledged in the 2021 Diversity Awards NZ, where the Diversity Agenda was a Finalist for the Impact Award.

A joint initiative between Te Ao Rangahau Engineering New Zealand, ACE New Zealand and Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects, since 2018 the Diversity Agenda has broadened its focus to all facets of diversity and inclusion.

Jane Kelly who champions the Diversity Agenda within TEAM Architects, celebrates its success. “I'm proud that we were early signatories to this and the fact that we very quickly stepped forward and knew we wanted to be part of this.”

For Jane, better design outcomes is the most obvious result of TEAM’s involvement. “What better way to get the best design option,” she says, “than to actually have around the table...a range of people with different views, from different backgrounds, who can all input and feel the freedom to input. And by having that collaboration, you get a better result for the client.”

